Organizations/ Agencies
Canadian Families and Corrections Network (CFCN)
CFCN runs a support group in the Toronto area in conjunction with Friends of Dismas. Their website has a significant number of links to support groups across the country, as well as many publications of interest to families. They assist families affected by criminal behavior, incarceration and community reintegration.
Dad HERO project (CFCN)
The project is designed to educate and teach dads about parenting, how children grow, and why their children need them. It starts with an 8-week parenting course that will be offered in the medium and minimum institutions of Dorchester Penitentiary (NB), Archambault Institution (QB), Collins Bay Institution (ON), Saskatchewan Penitentiary (SK), and Pacific Institution (BC) over and over again. From there the men will move into a Dad Support Group in the prison that will meet regularly to keep them connected about something positive – their children! The project will also offer a Dad Support Group on the outside – to continue to help men in the releasing communities of Moncton NB, Montreal QB, Kingston ON, Prince Albert SK, and Abbotsford BC. This group is for dads who have been in jail, federally or provincially in the past, to focus on community parenting issues.
Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada
A nationally-registered charitable, non-profit financial literacy and credit counselling organization working closely with transition programs like Elizabeth Fry and The John Howard Society. They provide free financial literacy resources, workshops and seminars and access to free credit counselling assessments. There is a toll-free number available on each of these resources that will connect directly to confidential counsellors.
- This is an online self-service financial literacy resource that offers access to financial literature covering over 30 various life-stages and events as well as financial calculators and also offers an open channel through which users can reach out to speak with a certified counsellor 6 days-a-week during their hours of operation.
- This is a standalone contact form; when a user completes and submits this form we’ll have a credit counsellor reach out to offer free credit counselling, typically within the first hour after submission.
The John Howard Society —
Multiple services include reintegration, bail verification and supervision, pre-employment training, employment services and housing. Brochure available from MOMS.
The Elizabeth Fry Society —
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa is an agency devoted to helping women and female youth who are, or may be, at risk of coming into conflict with the law. A variety of different programs and services are offered to provide women with confidential and supportive living environments. Brochure available from MOMS.
MAP — Mentorship-Aftercare-Presence
Through providing hands-on support, encouragement and empowerment for those who are reintegrating into society, we are enabling people to redirect their lives and become productive, dynamic members of the community after they leave prison.
Smart Justice Network of Canada —
Smart Justice is based on the simple idea that the best responses to crime improve safety, support victims, protect families, reduce re-offending and involve communities.
The Criminalization and Punishment Education — CPEP
Project brings students and researchers from Carleton University and the University of Ottawa and community members together with those affected by criminalization and punishment to develop collaborative research projects, as well as plan and carry out related public education initiatives.
Canadian Civil Liberties Association —
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is a national organization that was constituted to promote respect for and observance of
fundamental human rights and civil liberties, and to defend, extend, and foster recognition of these rights and liberties.
Circles of Support and Accountability —
Assists individuals who are deemed at high risk to re-offend sexually as they reintegrate into the community. Brochure available from MOMS.
Salvation Army —
Offers a variety of services and programs including Adult Pre-charge diversion programs, transition house, pastoral care and street outreach. Free transportation to Kingston facilities for families is available. Call 613-234-7256 and leave voice message. (There is always a wait list.) Brochure available from MOMS
Prison Fellowship —
Prison Fellowship Canada is a national organization that has served in prison ministry for over 30 years. We are compelled by our faith to do the transforming work of justice for those affected by crime in communities across Canada in an unforgiving era. An interdenominational Christian organization with volunteers across Canada, we are a member of Prison Fellowship
International, which has 117 ministries around the world.
Connecting Ottawa —
This project aims to improve access to justice for people who are not proficient in English or French. Brochure available from MOMS.