Government Links
Correctional Service Canada –Home Page
Correctional Service Canada
This section of the website contains the forms required to visit an offender. This includes the Visitor Application, Child Safety Waiver and Consent for Private Family Visits.
Correctional Service Canada
This section of the website contains full information about Personal Property. Annex B: Personal Property for Male Inmates and continue scrolling to Annex C: Personal Property for Female Inmates. Regarding the 30 day box, inmates can submit a request to the Warden for an EXTENSION to the 30 day box. The Warden can accept or refuse.
Parole Board of Canada – HomePage
Ombudsman Ontario
The Ombudsman is an independent officer of the Legislature who investigates complaints from the public about Ontario government services. Complaints go to this office for offenders serving in provincial correctional facilities.
What Sureties Need to Know
This official website from the office of the attorney general explains the responsibilities of a surety.
Elections Canada
Outlines voting procedures for incarcerated citizens.
This section of the handbook for Peace Officers explains the procedure for arrest without warrant in the event of a suspected breach.
Report on Correctional Services in Ontario by the Ombudsman – very interesting reading!
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services